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Dogged Decision-Making

Written by Michelle Brown

Small business owners, managers, directors, and heads of departments, heed my cry. Dogged Decision-Making is where it’s at. Life is too short to realize that you waited way too long to consider the impact of your business decisions on the health and wellness of your financial systems. 

**Picture this: **You’ve just sealed the deal on a major solution for your sales team and it cost a pretty penny. In comes the bookkeeper who tells you that it’s not a cost saver in the long run, in fact, it’s going to severely impact other things, making the solution more of a timesuck, which will inflate payroll. Facepaw 🤦‍♀️…now you’ve got sunk costs. 

Dogged Decision-Making puts the financial health and wellness of the company at the forefront of your information gathering and fact finding. Bring the bookkeeper in when you’re considering the problem, not after you’ve implemented the solution. 

This is an entrepreneur’s mindset that brings in all of the major players so that every angle may be considered. 

If you have a bookkeeper that you know, like, and trust, they should be a part of business decisions from the earliest possible perspective. Why? Because any little thing requires a systems change. Rarely does an implementation or innovation not impact the team / talent strategy. 

For example, perhaps you buy a sexy new subscription software solution. Someone is going to have to manage the migration and be responsible for future data entry and maintenance. That means higher labor costs—and it may even mean hiring and training someone new, adding in the cost of onboarding. Or worse, overworking your best people at a detriment.

In other words, Dogged Decision-Making embraces the idea that all things large and small in the business can and will have a ripple effect on the strength of your dollars. Adopt ‘an ounce of prevention > pound of cure’ mentality for more optimized outcomes and set yourself free from the insanity of congested workflows, antiquated systems, and operating in silos. 

Because future-proofing an empowered business is a tough job, but you don’t have to do it alone.  


Chomping at the bit to kickstart an initiative, implementation, or innovation, but you’re not sure how that is going to change the financial ecosystem and/or negatively impact other areas of operations? Reach out; we’ve got the long game perspective you’ve been craving when you look through the lens of bookkeeping.

Unleashed Financial Advocates, leading the pack in coordinated effectiveness